Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Mad Mad "Ad" World

Have you ever noticed why are people associated with advertising industry so different or rather try to be different all the time? I mean they really show you in your face that they belong to the ad world? Or they want to reiterate the fact that belonging to the advertising community is a REAL BIG DEAL. Or does the naive profession makes them the way they are.They incessantly blame it on the industry, for their lifestyle,attitudes,apprearance,dark circles,erratic outbursts,addictions,Break-ups,Hook ups,Stress,thinking,or rather lack of it...just about everything!I have cemented my opinion from way too many sources...Finally i was of the opinion that an individual looses his/her own identity once he/she enters the cosmos of the ad world.Another rather lame thing that’s associated with this nonstop blame game is "CREATIVITY". I miserably fail to understand that how is creativity related to a person being so affected or rather disillusioned in the ad world.I can vividly recollect my encounter with a person from the industry.It so happened that this Gentleman,was supposed to teach us fundamentals of advertising as a profession in our MBA course.We were briefed that he had his own agency,was doing well for himself and was a respectable ad veteran. Never having heard about him,we were waiting anxiously in the class on the scheduled date and I, in my over fertile mind had secretly formed an image of how this "ad guy" would be.With the Flamboyance of Alyque Padamsee and wit of Piyush Pandey & rather "visible" body of Prahlad Kakkar all throw in together.I was anticipating a pretty dramatic encounter.Cut to- a rather small looking,fragile creature entered the room.I mistook the person as a peon...but after seeing him "formally" dressed i was forced to think otherwise. He cleared his throat and introduced himself as the speaker for the session.I was so damn disappointed.My one and only chance to meet an ad junkie had sadly vanished.I made sure that the disappointment did'nt show during the session.After the "mind-impersonation debacle" i concentrated on what he had to say...Needless to say this encounter initiated my mixed opinions about ad guys.Not all are in your face.And certainly not the guy who lectured us.He was so humble and soft spoken.But at the same time he was also very articulate and Creative.Probably he was the "OUTCAST".There might one in a thousand cases of guys being sober,well dressed,tidy and well held up in ad community.However,i feel lucky to have encountered the "Rare Specie".By the way did i mention...intrestingly the guy who took the session was the man behind the historic "Raymonds-Complete Man Campaign"...Maybe he was too affected by his own Campaign!!!

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