I am compelled to write this post after watching the latest Rin commercial where the advertisers have rather blatantly compared themselves to Tide claiming they are better than the latter.
Apart from the fact that the ad is extremely poor in idea and execution, it is completely illegal to show something of this disposition. Also the plot of showing kid's uniforms shining with brilliant radiance which is a direct result of using a given brand is done to death!
It makes me look down on brand marketers(Read:HUL), advertising planners(Read:JWT,India) who are still trapped on this illogical 'follow the herd' syndrome!I have lost count how many times the same "My clothes are whiter than yours-YEY" plot has been used. Almost all brands have at some point of their communication trajectory used this plot to either mock a fellow student, an office colleague, a house wife...and just about everyone possible who they think can be the influencer in this category.
Its time to 'Grow' up. Today's Neo Consumers are not as naive as they once used to be. Its time to beat the rules and look out for newer behavioural patterns and methods to execute effective communication.
HUL & JWT,are both rather respected entities in their areas of expertise.This is least ecpected from them.
Another bone of contention-Extremely poor media planning!!! The ad is all over the place with "HYPER" repitition across most of the channels within a very short span of time! Is this done purposefully?If yes, congrats!its even more unnerving(Read:Turn Off)now!
I also wanted to upload this print ad of RIN which was published in 1970s, where their whitness claim was so much more beleivable, partly because they had no competitors and partly because they seemed genuine. Their first mover advantage still had some resonance and value which they could have revived with some heritage related communication.
However, thier myoptic vision of taking P&G's Tide head on has/will result in worst consequences.It only leaves me feeling more sympahatic toward's poor Tide!